Saturday, March 20, 2010

Killer Cycle Class: enter at your own risk!

Yes, Virginia... we're still marathoning in July.

Of course, I could say that the blog has not been active because I have been working out like a bandit, but that would be a falsehood.  Mind you, I do hit the Y quite regularly... for heaven's sake, they actually know my name at the Mon. - Wed. - Friday spin class. Well, Friday's are a bit more than just your simple spinning... oh, no, on Friday's we spin, and just for the challenge we get off the bikes and carry them up and down the stairs.  Yeah, you got me - we aren't actually that hard-core; but we are on the bikes on minute, doing lunges down the hall the next, running laps and then push-ups.  The official name is "Cycle-Cardio" class or the way I do it - "Cycle-Cardiac Arrest" class.

Three weeks ago in the 'off the bike' part of our program I took a dive into another class member.  We were attempting to play some silly game the instructor had observed in her middle school daughter's gym class.  The goal: run across the gym without being tagged.  To avoid 'taggage'... the second biggest person in the class [I don't remember his name - I'm there to work out, not network; but for the sake of the story, let's call him Big T], Big T slams into me to avoid the tag, I stop, drop and cover - Big T totally does a full body flip over me [an exercise all to itself] and we both collide to the floor in equal parts pain and embarrassment. Moral of the story: from now on, I keep my fat-ass on the bike during Cycle-Cardiac Arrest Fridays.  The painful price of fitness.  I could go to the evening class, but the median age is like 30 - and frankly, this working out crap if rough enough.  Skinny people I can deal with... young & skinny people... that would annoy me too much, and you wouldn't like me when I'm all annoyed.

Killer Cycle-Cardio aside, I'll stick to my morning sessions.  The median age is roughly 55, maybe even 60.  Don't laugh.  Hey, stop that laughing... they are some serious kick-ass freakishly fit fifty folks.  I should be so lucky in five years.  Come to think of it, why would the instructor have a bunch of folks who are slightly passed their middle ages doing middle school p.e. activities?  I'll leave that question to my lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch, that must have hurt! I am with more middle school activities...just stay on the bike.
