Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wii Say What?

Maybe I'm just stir crazy and punchy from being trapped inside for four days, but I could have sworn that the Wii Fit Plus just got snippy with me?  I stepped off, not to eat bon-bons or to make a sandwich, but because I had a cramp.  Real pain.  Not some recovered workout memory.  And that trainer voice kinda snapped at me; something about 'this workout isn't going to finish itself'...  what the? 

I wanted to just unplug the thing right then and there but no, I would only lose out on my workout.  Besides, perhaps it wasn't being snappy at all, or even snippy and perhaps I was just reacting to four days indoors.  Granted this weekend was a washout due to the snow/ice storm and my bed-ridden runny nose antics - hitting the broken treadmill and doing some Wii Fit is the only solace I've had for my workout routine. I've got to take that stupid countdown timer off my blog.  158 days seems like a lot of time, but it'll be here before I know it.

It's all my fault.  The regular Wii Fit was fine and more than enough.  But no, I couldn't be happy with what I had, always looking for more, better.  Regular Wii Fit wasn't snippy or snappy.  It welcomed me, no matter how long I'd been away.  But I couldn't be happy with regular old Wii Fit, no, I had to go out and get Wii Fit Plus - yeah, I needed to push myself, I needed more more more.  And what do I getting for my wanting? Attitude.  Okay, I've had my say and now that I've written it down I'm done - it's back to the balance board and trying to work in a workout to fight off the winter blues.  This snow needs to melt, so I can get back to a cycle class and stop having words with my Wii.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I can't wait to hear your imitation of your Wii with attitude!

    Tomorrow is Wednesday...What will we do for our once a week workout? Maybe, just maybe, the track will clear enough for us to walk and then walk really fast, then walk, then walk really fast, then walk...

