Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Guilt-Free Day Off?

Okay, there is no such animal as "Guilt Free" in the world of healthy living/pre-triathlon training. But I'm inventing one. I'm not so hard core that I'm doing everything picture perfect to get to the bottom of this triathlon business. In fact, I'm the anti-triathlete. The closest I've gotten to athletic competition is throwing the shot-put in high school, and that was because all the 'real' athletes were busy actually being athletic and running about the track. In the world of track & field;  I was field, all the field. And that has suited me just fine. In fact, up until a couple of years ago, I prided myself on being a fairly healthy, unhealthily fat person. It was a small little point of pride. Unfortunately, that point has dulled and I’m just as unhealthy as I look. Which by the way… I had no idea… I don’t frequent mirrors… I’m vampire-like in that way. So really when I was in a store recently and overheard some skinny bitches [yeah, that’s nasty I know but what else can i call them] whispering and laughing and saying something about Precious…I didn’t realize until I caught a glimpse of me in the reflection of the frozen isle ice cream glass door case that I was the Precious in question. Damn, I’m Precious-big – call in the troops. Maybe I need to be on the broken treadmill and not sitting at the computer blogging… What was this post about again – guilt free – no such animal. My day off is over now. Gotta go get my workout on. bye y'all.

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