Sunday, April 25, 2010

76 days to go and I've got the scars to prove it

Yet another snag on the road to tri success... the scraped knee.  It's been a few days, but man is it still sore.  At least the swelling is going down.  At least I think it has - I've been taking it easy and pretty much I'm leaving that body part alone... although I think my knee was giving me dirty looks this morning while I was wrestling with the pantyhose getting ready for church this morning.  Pray for my knee.
Okay, so how does one fall good and proper off a bike... with all the skill and grace of... me. Shifting my gears [and I'm thinking oh, I got this...] but little did I know, I ain't got this].  The chain decided not to shift with my hand motions and although one foot was securely out of the little foot cage, I kept putting weight on the other, thinking it was out too.  No.  Not so much. Pain, blood, and bruised ego followed.  The good news [or at least the scary, I'm-so-committed-to-this-race news] is that this mishap occurred at the start of my cycling workout and instead of crying, licking my wounds and heading home, I continued on my merry way and completed my ride.  Of course, it didn't dawn on me until I was half way home that I do have a first aid kit in the car.  Now if this fall down thing happens again, let's say during the actually triathlon, with people watching... let's just pray for no more falls.


  1. Hey Kathy, There is no crying in Triatheloning (or something like that) When I first tried clips on my shoes I crashed 6X and cried A LOT. Sympathy for the lost flesh. Kudos to your awesome spirit to do a TRI. Keep up the great work it's worth it in the end!!! P.S. Last W/E I went over the bars on a mountain bike ride. All the other (much younger riders gasped in horror, Much applause when I rose up from my mangled bike LOL. If this old fat lady can do you can to and better! love ya, Donna

  2. Hey Donna,
    You guys are probably gearing up for the NY bike tour... Is that this weekend? I got to the site too late and there were no more slots, I'm definitely going to sign up for next year. And I think I may get one of my tri folks onboard! How soon do you sign up? And do you stay in the city the whole weekend? Please take lots of pix and post on FB... I'll be down here silently cheering you on!
